Covid 19 is a disease that spreads with a virus which resides in the respiratory system and it can be fatal for those with weak immune systems, we all know about it. But what most of us did not realize for so long, is what that tiny virus made us learn the hard way how vital breath is, how much it can affect the quality of our lives, and how vulnerable we can become just by breathing or not being able to breathe. Especially in these days, that we are locked-down in our homes and experiencing different challenges ‘inside’, as well as ‘outside’, ‘breathwork’ is a great tool to relax and reenergize both our bodies and minds…Therefore we are very happy to offer these very special breathing sessions to the community, where kids between 6 to 11 can enjoy with their parents. While having fun, they acquire breathing tools, techniques and habits that they can benefit all their lives. This is a free event of European School of Breath.
Let’s Breathe Together! online with all kids between 6 to 11 and their parents
May 11, 2020 @ 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm CEST